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Alba Cross

The Alba Cross was a cross-Scotland human-powered adventure that's course was dictated by the interviews around land management of community, public and private owned land. This six-week nomadic journey was one I was lucky enough to join as a Photographer and Videographer. These images are from life on the road and the interviews that took place. Videos and final outcome are coming soon.

woman fixes bike tyre by a van
scottish seaside view of islands and sailing boats
two women cycling in scotland
interviews with man about land management in scotland
compass and map on the front of a kayak
two people gearing up to kayak
kayakers in the distance behind rocks
woman holds baby in small holding
baby sits on the grass between a persons legs with wellies
the inside of a growing greenhouse dome
low view of people on road bikes
close up of fishermans flies
woman about to get into a river
beautiful pink sky at sunset on the isle of skye as three people wild swim
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